Friday, May 15, 2020

Police Enforcement And The Security Of The Virtual City...

Abstract This essay is an examination of community policing as it relates to the interests of the Virtual City Police Department. Advances in technology has changed police work, officers are incorporating technology and sophisticated investigative techniques to solve crimes. This essay will focus on the pros and cons of community policing in a modern society, where police officers must rely more on technology and forensics than citizens to solve crimes and apprehend criminals. Introduction Police have been linked to citizens since the reform era redefined the nature of the relationship between police and citizens (Kelling, Moore, 1988). The new model demanded an impartial law officer who related professionally, neutrally, and in distant terms to citizens. Weaknesses in the model were displayed through a decentralized organizational structure which failed to provide supervision to patrol officers, resulting in a rise in police corruption (Kelling, Moore, 1988). Continuing reformations put officers in automobiles reasoning that the automobile would increase the extent of the patrol and give the officers a greater advantage over criminals (Kelling, Moore, 1988). As more officers patrolled in automobiles the rapport of community relations was lost, officers were no longer an intimate part of the community structure. The decline in contact between the citizens and police was not helped by the centralization of precincts, as smallerShow MoreRelatedEssay On Drug Contro l892 Words   |  4 PagesAs the Security Chief of the state Correctional Facility and Detention Center I must utilize the resources that are available to me to take and maintain the control within both facilities since both feeds criminals into each other. 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