Friday, August 28, 2020

Persuasive Outline free essay sample

Explicit Purpose Statement: To convince my crowd that having breakfast is critical to acceptable wellbeing Central Purpose Statement: To convince my crowd that having breakfast is significant for acceptable wellbeing by first enlightening you regarding the metabolic advantages of having breakfast, second, by clarifying how breakfast helps in weight reduction, and third, by talking about some general mental and physiological favorable circumstances having a decent breakfast. Presentation: Have you at any point stressed over the protesting of your stomach in a study hall or an office toward the beginning of the day? Have you at any point pondered getting tidbits or lunch toward the beginning of the day due to exceptional yearning? On the off chance that you skip breakfast, it makes you have less fixation, however it really diminishes your reasoning capacity or execution. Have you at any point asked yourself â€Å"why can’t I get in shape? †Ã‚  The reason may be that you are skipping breakfast. Breakfast assumes a significant job for our wellbeing, yet many individuals disregard breakfast. We will compose a custom article test on Enticing Outline or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page After I came to America, I got a cool more regularly than previously and furthermore picked up very nearly 10 pounds. I attempted to take care of these two issues. Furthermore, later I made sense of the arrangement. I simply expected to have breakfast. It’s not as troublesome as doing exercise regular, yet having breakfast has as great an impact as doing exercise, or significantly more! In this way, today around evening time, I’m going to convince you that having breakfast is significant for acceptable wellbeing by first informing you concerning the metabolic advantages of having breakfast, second, by clarifying how breakfast helps in weight reduction, and third, by talking about some general mental and physiological points of interest ating a decent breakfast. I. Various examining have been made by nutrician researchers on the extraordinary benefit of having a decent breakfast. They are all concur there are critical points of interest from having even breakfast. A. As indicated by Food Service Director, To Start the Day: Healthy Breakfastâ by Karen Rubin in Apr. 15, 2000, in the wa ke of fasting for the time being, glucose level drops drastically. 1. As indicated by Rubin in April 15, 2000, various nourishment contemplates show that glucose, which is regular sugar, level drops drastically after for the time being fasting. 2. Rubin said that since glucose level is vitality for body, body awakens vitality inadequate. 3. Additionally, as per Family Life, Brilliant Breakfastsâ in Sep. 1997 by Flynn McCarthy, kids, age four to pubescence whose mind use twice as much glucose than grown-ups. 4. Rubin and McCarthy state having a decent breakfast supplies food which is changed into glucose vitality for body’s work. B. As indicated by Kid Source Online: Breakfast Program May Improve Children’s Behavior and Performanceâ in 2000 Eating breakfast impacts mind, memory, ability to focus and fixation. 1. As indicated by this article, Harvard research shows breakfast helps children’s mind work, memory, ability to focus and fixation. 2. Additionally, as indicated by Family Life, Brilliant Breakfastâ in Sep. , 1997, Studies by Tufts University found that the score of standard arithmetic of understudies who had breakfast was 13 focuses higher than understudies who didn’t have breakfast. Change: Now, I’ve discussed the metabolic reasons of having breakfast. I’d like to discuss having breakfast helps in weight reduction. ?. A numerous analysts are connected having breakfast prompts fruitful weight reduction. A. Understanding the body’s response to starvation is essential. 1. As indicated by Food Service Director: To Start the Day: Healthy Breakfastâ by Karen Rubin in April 2000, on the off chance that you don’t eat nourishment for extended periods of time, the mind believes that you will starve, thus body devours more cholesterol and fat for putting away vitality. 2. Agreeing to Medical Letter on the CDCamp;FDA: Breakfast is Key to Best Diet, July 2002, individuals who have breakfast expend two-third of every day suggested of calcium, magnesium, which help your digestion. 3. Also, as indicated by Runner’s World: Eat More, Weigh Lessâ in June 2002, the examination of  National weight Control Registry researched that 78 % of individuals who lost in excess of 30 pounds and kept the lost addressed they had breakfast 7 days per week. Progress and Internal Preview: Now, I’ve discussed having breakfast helps to weight reduction. I’m going to examine some general mental and physiological points of interest having a decent breakfast, by first discussing how breakfast helps decline mental exhaustion and misery, and second, how it has physical advantages. . Having breakfast is gainful. A. Mental impacts of having great breakfast incorporate diminishing mental weariness and sadness. 1. As indicated by Prevention: Automatic Weight Lossâ in 1996 August, Bonnie Spring PhD,  professor of brain science at the University of Health Science says individuals who skip breakfast get drained and fractious without any problem. 2. Likewise, Dr. Spring brought up that this outcome will in general make individuals get something sweet to help their temperament. 3. In any case, over sugar taking just make vitality increment and drop quickly and doesn’t truly help. B. Physiological elevate comes about because of having breakfast. 1. As per Nation’s Restaurant News, Coalition: School breakfast numbers rise, don’tâ â shineâ â in November 2002 , Research investigation of government funded school understudies by Harvard Medical School demonstrated that having breakfast diminish unlucky deficiencies and lateness. 2. As indicated by Jet, Breakfast Remains Essential to a Healthy Lifestylein May 2002, having breakfast, for example, foods grown from the ground could be stay away from strokes and cardiovascular infections. All in all, this evening, I have convinced you having breakfast is significant or acceptable wellbeing by first informing you concerning the metabolic advantages of having breakfast, second, by clarifying how breakfast helps in weight reduction, and third, by talking about some general mental and physiological favorable circumstances having a decent breakfast. Will you despite everything continue skipping breakfast? Do you despite everything think resting 10-15 minutes longer is a higher priority than having breakfast? I trust you don’t, and you will begin to have breakfast consistently. Be that as it may, to be safe, I will recommend for the individuals who despite everything need to rest longer a straightforward fast breakfast to get ready. Getting ready breakfast the prior night, for instance, you may cut some cheddar or empty squeezed orange into a convenient compartment. Or on the other hand, if it’s still an undeniable irritation, take bananas, apples, or a few organic products with you. Eating something is superior to eating nothing. Along these lines, if it's not too much trouble start from this evening or tomorrow first thing eating and hope to live more joyful, more beneficial and make the most of your long life more. Book index ?Baylor College of Medicine. â€Å"Breakfast is Key to Best Diet†. Clinical Letter on the     CDCamp;FDA. Jul. 2002. Nov. 2002 ?†Breakfast Remains Essential to a Healthy Lifestyle†. Stream. Vol. 101 May 2002. Nov. 002 ?Eck, Moxey B. â€Å"Eat More, Weigh Less†. Runner’s World. Vol. 36  Jun. 2002. Nov. 2002. ?Child Source Online. â€Å"School Breakfast Program May Improve Children’s Behavior and     Performance† Onl ine posting. Apr. 2000. Nov. 2002â â lt;http: www. Kidsource. com/gt; ? Lord, Paul. â€Å"School Breakfast Numbers Rise, Don’t Shine†. Nation’s Restaurant News, ? McCarthy, Laura F. â€Å"Brilliant Breakfasts†. Family Life. Sep. 1997. Nov. 2002 ? Rubin, Wilk K. â€Å"To Start the Day: Healthy Breakfast†. Food Service Director. Apr. 2000. Nov. 2002 ?Spilner, Maggie â€Å"Automatic Weight Loss†. Counteraction. Vol. 48 Aug. 1996. Nov. 2002. Powerful diagram free exposition test Consideration Grabber: Statistic-â€Å"Secondhand smoke causes just about 50,000 passings in grown-up nonsmokers in the United States every year, including around 3,400 from lung malignant growth and 22,700-69,600 from coronary illness. (American Lung Association) 2. Despite the fact that smokers are the one’s legitimately breathing in the smoke from their cigarettes, they put everyone’s life in peril. People around them are not given the decision with respect to whether they will breathe in the harmful air. With the expanding proof of the perils of smoking and recycled smoke, there is not, at this point a spot for smoking in the public arena. Theory It is basic that the national government bans the offer of cigarettes to advance the security of its residents. Concession and Rebuttal: 1. Smokers accept they have the opportunity to smoke as the U. S. gives opportunity of decision; consequently, as residents, they reserve the privilege to smoke in the event that they so pick. 2. Regardless, their opportunity to smoke blocks other citizens’ freedoms as they don't get the chance to pick whether to breathe in air defiled with recycled smoke that might be unsafe to their wellbeing. We will compose a custom article test on Convincing layout or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 3. As indicated by www., 3,000 nonsmoking grown-ups bite the dust of sicknesses brought about by presentation to recycled smoke each year. Whenever given the opportunity to pick, an individual would not put their wellbeing in danger and decide to inhale recycled smoke. 5-8. Rehash process with a second concession and rejoinder 9. So as to ensure all residents, the national government must wipe out the offer of cigarettes inside American culture. Body Paragraphs: Paragraph #1-More significantly, smoking-related issues among youngsters require they be ensured by the law. 1. social issues. Karl Hill, an examination partner teacher at the University of Washington’s Social Development Research Group states, â€Å"If your folks were smokers it is a d

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Spirit Bound Chapter Ten Free Essays

string(45) prompted the upper floorsâ€and outdoors. Also, ONE OF THEM†¦ ONE OF THEM†¦ â€Å"No,† I inhaled, even as I sprang toward the one nearest to meâ€a lady. There gave off an impression of being three Strigoi around us. Eddie was moving as well, and the two of us were attempting to push the Moroi behind us. We will compose a custom article test on Soul Bound Chapter Ten or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now They didn’t need a lot of encouraging. At seeing Strigoi, the Moroi had started to back upâ€creating kind of a bottleneck. Between Eddie’s moment reflexes and the Moroi alarm, I was almost certain nobody had seen what I previously had spotted. Dimitri was among them. No, no, no, I stated, this uninterrupted alone time. He’d cautioned me. Again and again, he’d said in his letters that when I was out of the security of the wards, he would be wanting me. I’d trusted him and yet†¦ seeing its truth was an entirely unexpected thing. It had been three months, yet right then and there, a million recollections went through my head in perfectly clear sharpness. My imprisonment with Dimitri. The way his mouthâ€so, so warm, regardless of his cold skinâ€had kissed mine. The vibe of his teeth squeezing into my neck and the sweet happiness that followed†¦ He looked precisely the equivalent as well, with that pale white whiteness and red-ringed eyes that so tangled with the delicate, jawline length earthy colored hair and in any case stunning lines of his face. He even had a cowhide duster on. It must be another one, seeing as his past coat had gotten entirely destroyed in our keep going battle on the scaffold. Where did he continue getting them? â€Å"Get out!† I shouted. My words were to the Moroi, even as my stake bit into the female Strigoi’s heart. The passing disarray with us all in the corridor had been to a greater extent an impairment to her than me. I got a decent view on her, and plainly she hadn’t anticipated that me should be so quick. I’d murdered a great deal of Strigoi on the grounds that they’d belittled me. Eddie didn’t have my karma. He faltered when Victor pushed past him, permitting the other Strigoiâ€a guyâ€near the front to strike Eddie against the divider. In any case, that was the sort of thing we confronted constantly, and Eddie reacted flawlessly. He promptly returned from the hit, and with the Moroi off the beaten path now, Eddie had the option to thrust toward the Strigoi and draw in him completely. What's more, me? My consideration was on Dimitri. I ventured over the fallen Strigoi without taking a gander at her. Dimitri had drifted close the back, sending his followers into the bleeding edges of fight. Possibly it was on the grounds that I knew Dimitri so well, yet I presumed he wasn’t astounded that I’d take out the one so rapidly and that Eddie was giving the other an intense time. I questioned Dimitri minded whether they lived or kicked the bucket. They were only interruptions for him to get to me. â€Å"I told you,† said Dimitri, eyes both interested and sharp. He was keeping a close eye on me, every one of us subliminally reflecting the different as we sat tight for an opening to assault. â€Å"I let you know I’d find you.† â€Å"Yeah,† I stated, attempting to disregard the snorts of Eddie and the other Strigoi. Eddie could take him. I realized he could. â€Å"I got the memos.† A phantom of a grin nestled into lips, demonstrating the teeth that some way or another set off a blend of both aching and abhorring in me. Right away, I pushed those sentiments aside. I’d dithered before with Dimitri and about passed on as a result of it. I’d would not let it happen once more, and the adrenaline siphoning through my body filled in as a decent update this was a sink or swim circumstance. He made the primary move, yet I evaded itâ€almost having detected it coming. That was the issue with us. We knew each other too wellâ€knew each other’s moves excessively well. Obviously, that scarcely implied we were an even match. Indeed, even throughout everyday life, he’d had more understanding than me, and his Strigoi capacities tipped the scale. â€Å"Yet here you are,† he stated, despite everything grinning. â€Å"Foolishly venturing outside when you ought to have remained in the security of Court. I couldn’t trust it when my covert agents told me.† I didn't utter a word, rather endeavoring a swipe with my stake. He saw that coming as well and evaded it. His having spies didn’t shock meâ€even in the daytime. He controlled a system of Strigoi and people the same, and I’d realized he had eyes and ears watching Court. The inquiry was: How the damnation had he gotten into this lodging in the day? Indeed, even with human watchers at the air terminal or checking charge cards as Adrian had done, Dimitri and his Strigoi companions ought to have needed to hold up until dusk to arrive. Actually no, not really, I understood a second later. Strigoi once in a while had work-arounds. Trucks and vans with dull, totally fixed lodges. Underground doorways. Moroi needing to club bounce from the Witching Hour thought about mystery burrows associating certain structures. Dimitri would have thought pretty much this as well. On the off chance that he’d been hanging tight for me to come outside of wards, he would have done whatever it took to get to me. I knew better than any other individual how clever he was. I additionally realized he was attempting to occupy me with talking. â€Å"And most interesting of all,† he proceeded, â€Å"you didn’t come alone. You brought Moroi. You’ve consistently faced challenges with your own life, yet I didn’t anticipate that you should be so rushed with theirs.† Something happened to me at that point. Beside the black out murmur of the gambling club on the opposite finish of the corridor and the hints of our battle, everything else was quiet. We were feeling the loss of a significant commotion. State, similar to, the caution from a fire entryway. â€Å"Lissa!† I hollered. â€Å"Get the damnation out of here! Get them all out of here.† She ought to have known better. They all ought to have known better. That entryway prompted the upper floorsâ€and outside. You read Soul Bound Chapter Ten in class Paper models The sun was still out. It didn’t matter if the caution brought lodging security down on us. For hell's sake, that may drive the Strigoi away. What made a difference was that the Moroi fled to security. In any case, a speedy check of my bond disclosed to me the issue. Lissa was solidified. Dazed. She’d unexpectedly observed who I was battling, and the stun of it was excessively. Knowing Dimitri was a Strigoi was a certain something. Seeing itâ€really, truly observing itâ€well, that was unique. I knew from individual experience. Much in the wake of being readied, his appearance despite everything frightened me. She was caught unaware, incapable to think or move. It just took me a heartbeat to evaluate her sentiments, yet in a battle with a Strigoi, a solitary second could be the distinction among life and demise. Dimitri’s babble had worked, and in spite of the fact that I watched him and thought I had my watchman up, he traversed and pushed me against the divider, hands sticking my arms so agonizingly that I lost my hold on the stake. He put his face straight up to mine, so close that our brows contacted. â€Å"Roza†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he mumbled. His breath was warm and sweet against my skin. It appeared as though it ought to have possessed a scent like demise or rot, yet it didn’t. â€Å"Why? For what reason did you need to be so troublesome? We could have spent time everlasting together†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My heart roared in my chest. I was apprehensive, frightened of the passing that I knew must be seconds away. Furthermore, simultaneously, I was loaded up with distress over having lost him. Seeing the highlights of his face, hearing that equivalent emphasized voice that even now folded over me like velvet†¦ I felt my awful once more. Why? Why had this transpired? For what reason was the universe so unfeeling? I figured out how to flip the switch once more, again closing out the way this was Dimitri. We were predator and preyâ€and I was at risk for being eaten. â€Å"Sorry,† I said through gritted teeth, pushing hardâ€and failingâ€to break his hold. â€Å"My time everlasting doesn’t include being a piece of the undead mafia.† â€Å"I know,† he said. I could have sworn there was bitterness in his face yet later persuaded myself I more likely than not envisioned it. â€Å"Eternity will be forlorn without you.† A piercing screech out of nowhere rang in my ears. The two of us recoiled. Commotions proposed to surprise people were damnation on touchy hearing like we had. However I couldn’t help yet feel alleviation. The fire entryway. At last, those idiotsâ€and truly, I had no hesitations about calling my companions nitwits when they were acting that wayâ€had left the structure. I felt daylight through the bond and breathed easy in light of that as Dimitri’s teeth approached the supply route that would spill the life’s blood from my neck. I trusted the caution would occupy him, yet he was excessively acceptable. I battled again, trusting I could utilize shock on him, yet it was without much of any result. What surprised him was Eddie’s stake diving into the side of his stomach. Dimitri growled in torment and let go of me, turning on Eddie. Eddie’s face was hard, unblinking. In the event that seeing Dimitri flustered him, my companion didn’t show it. For all I knew, Eddie wasn’t in any event, enrolling this as Dimitri. Likely all he saw was a Strigoi. It was how we were prepared. See beasts, not individuals. Dimitri’s consideration was off me for the occasion. He needed to draw out my passing. Eddie was basically an inconvenience he expected to free us of with the goal that he could proceed with the game. Eddie and Dimitri occupied with a move like the one I’d been in with Dimitri before, then again, actually Eddie didn’t know Dimitri’s moves as I did. So Eddie wasn’t ready to totally keep away from Dimitri snatching him by the shoulder and pushing him to the divider. The move had been proposed to smash Eddie’s skull, however Eddie figured out how to move enough with the goal that it was his body that

Friday, August 21, 2020

Louisa Gradgrind Essay Example For Students

Louisa Gradgrind Essay Louisa is extremely near Tom, and from the start he is the main individual she thinks about, and she chooses to wed Mr Bounderby as a result of him. She converses with Tom about what she feels and opens up to him and clarifies what she believes, she additionally converses with him about extravagant, which she wouldnt do to any other individual, she likewise discusses how she feels about Sissy to him. Yet, Tom is in the end conceited and coldhearted towards everybody including Louisa and is depicted as a scoundrel. Louisas mother is a depressed person, she is continually sick or says she is, this is her method for escaping individuals and at last concealing her sentiments, she is pale and feeble from her relationship with her better half, she is a case of what the realities and frequently dismisses Louisa and utilizations the reason that she is sick as an explanation not to address her little girl. She is oblivious of Louisas battle, which she has likely experienced herself. Louisa doesnt appear to require her mom and has most likely adult without her. Mr Gradgrind cherishes his kids and truly feels that the realities strategy is a decent one, which his kids would say thanks to him for instructing them. He shows them only realities and anticipates that them should grow up and be significant and regarded citizenry as he may be. What's more, when he discovers them looking at the bazaar he is so stunned in light of the fact that he doesnt comprehend why they would need to see the carnival with all that they have. Louisa is an appealing and touchy, and inquisitive to the universe of creative mind that her dad has never told her. She is teasing against her childhood and has a starved creative mind was can see this from when we initially meet her and Dickens depicts her as Pretty. Would have been stubborn yet for her raising which I believe is valid, her dads technique for instructing kids has left her practically dead intellectually and tired and she says I am drained. She shrouds her feeling that is making her drained and discouraged, she appears as though she wanders off in fantasy land a lot. I believe that she would be an altogether different individual on the off chance that it wasnt for her childhood, she would be all the more mindful and cherishing, as would Tom. I think she is mindful and adoring yet she conceals it inside with every one of her feelings. Im intrigued to perceive what will befall her, I might want to see her get hitched to somebody decent and escape from her dad yet I figure she will wed Mr Bounderby and wind up being exceptionally discouraged. In any case, I trust she doesnt on the grounds that Louisa is an exceptionally fascinating and complex character who will grow well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Finding Best Narrative Essay Topics

Finding Best Narrative Essay Topics For instance, if you're writing an essay about your very first year in college, don't start to your very first day in college which is too obvious. It's possible that you could receive a narrative essay for a task if you're a student in high school. At the close of the day, the essay topics you pick can make a big influence on your final grade. If you're in college you're in for both big and smaller surprises. Vital Pieces of Best Narrative Essay Topics For writing a terrific narrative essay, picking an intriguing topic is the very first step to begin with. It's difficult to pick just 1 topic whenever there are so many you could write about. Whether you are searching for good narrative essay topics or aren't certain how to decide on the most appropriate one from the list of good descriptive essay topics, make sure to assess our topics' selection as we guarantee you will definitely find something to meet your requirements. Very good essays don't have bad topics. More important is to opt for an essay topic that you'll be interested in writing with passion. Selecting a superb topic is step one in writing an essay. Best Narrative Essay Topics - Dead or Alive? When you're penning a narrative essay, you not just want to tell a great story. You might become stuck on the ideal idea for a narrative. At length, a narrative isn't only a very simple story. Well-written narratives figure out ways to involve the reader rather than simply retelling the events. Morality Essay Topics Morality is a topic that's near and dear to lots of individuals. Narratives are directed at telling about yourself. For instance, an essay on the very first topic can tell your private story. however, it may also be based on your imagination. In addition, do not rush to compose your creative stories just because it is a narrative essay on friendship. By looking at great sample descriptive paragraphs, you will have the abili ty to receive a concept of what a great essay resembles. An essay was defined in a number of means. Narrative essays serve wide array of purposes. Whether you need to make an essay on the newest scientific findings in your area of study or over your interpretation of a bit of classic literature, you must have the proper facts and data and the ability to write content that engages and commands attention. Descriptive essay samples can help you with writing a description of sensory details which are an essential portion of descriptive writing. Sharing your experience with the readers is a fantastic way to supply them with some helpful details. There are respective lists having the most well-known topics for writing all around the web. Likely to do your very best work when you take pleasure in the topic and what it is that you're writing. Top Choices of Best Narrative Essay Topics Narrative essays don't have such arguments. They are often the norm in academia. If that's the case, then you ought to attempt writing narrative essays. Regardless of the very first impression, a narrative essay isn't the simplest of all assignments. The Importance of Best Narrative Essay Topics Among the assorted genres of essays, narrative essays could be the simplest to write since they don't require any research and derive from our very own personal ideas and experiences. Our writers try their very best to think of interesting suggestions and share them with you. Stories about traveling have an outstanding potential. You're able to even find funny narrative essay topics like embarrassing and humorous experiences in your life, to one of the greatest comedies you have at any time seen. The Foolproof Best Narrative Essay Topics Strategy Examine the source in which you have located the sample. Keep a steady stream of details coming from 1 paragraph to the next, which makes it simple for the reader to stay informed about the events in the order they happened. The d uration of your story is contingent on the requirements and instructions of the assignment. As a consequence the collection of topic doesn't matter as the writer need to remember that everything is under his control in a narrative essay. What Needs to be Done About Best Narrative Essay Topics Before You Miss Your Chance The significance of the narrative essay topics for college students cannot be stressed enough. They should know how to avoid such problem. The essays are an excellent opportunity to raise your grade scores without focusing on persuasive writing. A narrative essay is regarded to be among the most popular forms of tasks that students get all too often. Essays are available in many forms. In addition, you may also take a look at our Argumentative Essay templates. Completing a paper may be a time-consuming procedure. Composing an excellent narrative paper starts with finding an intriguing topic. What to Expect From Best Narrative Essay Topics? You can proceed and ask somebody else to go through your essay so that you receive an original look at it. The question you've got about the working of the planet. You should however look at what sort of point you wish to drive home and what sort of impact you're seeking to make with your essay. The moment once you realized that your very best friend wasn't your very best friend which they had been lying to you all along. The very first point to do is to produce an outline of the topic you opt for. When you're selecting an experience which you can write about, don't forget that even the compact incidences of your life may be very good essay topic. The secret is picking a topic which you are passionate about.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Police Enforcement And The Security Of The Virtual City...

Abstract This essay is an examination of community policing as it relates to the interests of the Virtual City Police Department. Advances in technology has changed police work, officers are incorporating technology and sophisticated investigative techniques to solve crimes. This essay will focus on the pros and cons of community policing in a modern society, where police officers must rely more on technology and forensics than citizens to solve crimes and apprehend criminals. Introduction Police have been linked to citizens since the reform era redefined the nature of the relationship between police and citizens (Kelling, Moore, 1988). The new model demanded an impartial law officer who related professionally, neutrally, and in distant terms to citizens. Weaknesses in the model were displayed through a decentralized organizational structure which failed to provide supervision to patrol officers, resulting in a rise in police corruption (Kelling, Moore, 1988). Continuing reformations put officers in automobiles reasoning that the automobile would increase the extent of the patrol and give the officers a greater advantage over criminals (Kelling, Moore, 1988). As more officers patrolled in automobiles the rapport of community relations was lost, officers were no longer an intimate part of the community structure. The decline in contact between the citizens and police was not helped by the centralization of precincts, as smallerShow MoreRelatedEssay On Drug Contro l892 Words   |  4 PagesAs the Security Chief of the state Correctional Facility and Detention Center I must utilize the resources that are available to me to take and maintain the control within both facilities since both feeds criminals into each other. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Foster Care System Is A Growing Problem With The...

As of 2014, 415,129 children were in foster care and increased from 2012. The foster care system is a growing problem with the problem of trauma and educational needs. In three journal articles that are discussed, the problems are taken into studies to try and improve the foster care system. In the journal article, â€Å"Caregivers, School Liaisons, and Agency Advocates Speak Out about the Educational Needs of Children and Youths in Foster Care†, they discussed the educational need of children in foster care. 40% of children entering foster care for the first time reunify with their parents less than 12 months. As for the others, they are trapped in the foster system until they age out at 18 years old. One in four of the youth who age out are†¦show more content†¦The school liaisons focus group focused on school stability, teamwork with the home, teamwork with child welfare (CW), and foster youth needs. The agency advocates focus group focused on concerns about the CW education liaison position, foster youth needs, problems dealing with schools, and recommendation for improving services. In the discussion section of the study the discussed how everything went in the study and how the results turned out. All three sets of participants recognized that stude nts in foster care experience serious academic, social, and behavioral problems in the school setting. Each of the groups thought that all of the groups could work together better on how to bring foster kids more success. In the journal article, â€Å"Foster Care Youth Share Stories of Trauma Before, During, and After Placement: Youth Voices for Building Trauma-Informed Systems of Care†, they discussed people’s stories about the trauma in their life before, during, and after foster care placement. 19% of current foster care youth show clinically significant posttraumatic stress symptoms. (Kolko et al., 2010) Complex trauma includes youth exposure to multiple kinds of family trauma, such as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, as well as neglect and domestic violence. Over 2,000 children and youth who lived in foster care, over 70% met the criteria for complex trauma. One third of foster alumni reports some maltreatment during foster care. Trauma scores are the highest for youngShow MoreRelatedA Link Between Foster Care Placement During Childhood And Adult Delinquency1348 Words   |  6 Pagesconducted in Sweden has shown a link between foster care placement during childhood and adult criminality. Two groups were identified, a control group and a treatment group. The control group consisted of individuals that were the same age and gender of the treatment group. The results showed that foster care predicts higher adult criminality for males first placed during adolescence (ages 13–18). No significant association for boys who were placed in foster care before age 13 and no significant associationRead MoreChildhood Trauma And How The Environment Affects Their Learning1452 Words   |  6 PagesScientific research over the last 20 years has demonstrated that repeated exposure to trauma and chronic stress in early childhood can impair brain development. For my research I have chosen the topic: Childhood Trauma and how the environment affects their learning. Increasing the quality of service and their stability help to foster positive responsive relationships with nurturing caregivers. As children struggle it is important for us to identify environmental facto rs and triggers that have anRead MoreM3 Research Design Critique Report1596 Words   |  7 Pagesthan 15. Most importantly, the problem being studied should be clearly stated and understood by the participants. Next researchers need to construct a well written survey tool to ensure that the data is reliable which would consist of structured items, precise questions and questions that consists of one concept. Finally, the data must be analyzed, and the final research report be written Educational Supports for Middle School Youths Involved the Foster Care System The purpose of this study wasRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Foster Care3271 Words   |  14 PagesWill Mohamed Mrs. Landgrebe Advanced Composition/ 3 21 December 2014 The Negative Effects of Foster Care: RD â€Å"Family is forever.† Many people believe that this quote happens to be true. Everyone wants to believe that their family will always be there for them, and support the decisions that they make. For a normal family is quote would be accurate. On the other hand, there are families that will not be together forever. This is not just a choice that these certain families make, it is forced uponRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effect On Children1719 Words   |  7 PagesMany grandparents are happy to take care of grandkids in their parents’ absence, but with this responsibility comes added stress, possible negative physical and mental consequences, financial stress, and unanticipated legal issues. The number of these households has been on the rise in the recent decades and none for positive reasons. On an optimistic note, there is also the richness and complexities of the experiences of grandparents raising their grandchildren, the positive aspects of feeling loveRead Mor eThe Role Of Client s Mentor / Social Worker1576 Words   |  7 Pageshealth evaluation. Client was diagnosed with Post traumatic stress disorder and disclosed witnessing his mother being physically abused by his father who was a chronic alcohol user. Client reports growing up in fear as he went through verbal, physical and emotional abuse. 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However, these factors contributing to these factors can be the cause of poverty and economic issues. Factors contributing to homelessness are based on the experiences that individuals encounters. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless (2007, p. 1), the â€Å"causes of homelessness among youth fall into three-reliable categories: family problems, economic problems, and residential instability.† On the otherRead MoreThe Problem Of Youth Homelessness2124 Words   |  9 Pageshomeless, ae often deprived of the basic human needs. Such as food, safety, secure housing. However, these factors contributing to these factors can be the cause of poverty and econom ic issues. Factors contributing to homelessness are based on the experiences that individual encounters. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless (2007, p. 1), the â€Å"causes of homelessness among youth fall into three-reliable categories: family problems, economic problems, and residential instability.† On the otherRead More Developing an Appropriate Response to Child Abuse Essay2555 Words   |  11 Pages Child abuse is one of the fastest growing social problems in the United States. A social problem is, â€Å"a condition that a significant number of people believe to be a problem. A condition in which there is a sizable difference between the ideals of a society and its actual achievements† (Coleman et al. 2006:2). However, society has changed the way it views the issue, and is working towards finding a solution to this awful problem. Child abuse encompasses four main areas: physical abuse, emotional

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decisio Essay Example For Students

Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decisio Essay n Making Running head: Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decisio EssayN Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decision Making Critical Thinking and Decision Making Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decision Making In the corporate environment critical decisions must be made, sometimes quickly, whether because of changes in market conditions, corporate profits, or corporate performances. The decision-making process is vital to good management in todays work environment. This paper will examine the relationship between critical thinking and the decision making process, explain what the textbook authors believe, and relate how both apply to todays workplace. Critical thinking involves the ability to weigh evidence, examine arguments, and construct rational bases for generally accepted beliefs. In order to establish a theoretical basis for studying critical thinking, a great quantity of research has been done. Critical thinking is not only the ability to reason and construct arguments, but also the ability to examine the reasoning processes involved and being able to evaluate their appropriateness and effectiveness. This judgment aspect is what makes critical thinking more than just problem solving. It is not sufficient to be able to apply problem-solving strategies to a particular problem; a true critical thinker must be able to choose appropriate strategies and even create new ones when necessary. In dealing with most complex problems in todays work environment, there may be more than one good answer to a problem. The question then becomes one of picking the best answer; this is called decision-making. Weighing the consequences of these possible solutions based on our understanding of their potential outcomes is the job of the manager. A good manager does not distinguish between critical thinking and decision-making when working. He uses both to arrive at a solution. It is only when analyzing how to come to a specific decision that he must employ critical thinking skills so that he does not allow personal prejudices, emotions, or stress to affect his thinking processes. According to the authors of Whatever It Takes The Realities of Managerial Decision Making, the six steps to critical thinking and decision making are: 1) a problem is defined and isolated, 2) information is gathered, 3) alternatives are set forth, 4) an end is established, 5) means are created to achieve the end, and 6) a choice is made. The authors say when applied in todays business environment, the six steps are mostly ineffective because executive decision-making is not a series of single linier acts. It is the interference of many other factors (such as murky information, poor information input, and multiple problems intersecting) that makes scientific study of real-life decision-making difficult. (McCall Kaplan, 1990, pg xvii xviii) Therefore, the authors suggest case study and specific dissection of past decisions is the best way to learn how to make future decisions. In my field of work (currently training of teaching personnel), decisions must be made as to time management, importance of curriculum vs. methodology, and allocation of skill acquisition importance. In addition, two corporations are my superiors; each with different hierarchies as to who tells me which jobs should be done. My decisions, therefore, must not only be politically correct, but must be ones that make the most people happy. When three different departments from three different divisions ask me to begin a project, someone has to be told to wait. It is at times like these that critical thinking becomes important to justify my decisions when responding to their requests. Critical thinking is used both to justify my decisions and to clarify my thinking. McCall, M. W., Kaplan, R. E. .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 , .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .postImageUrl , .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 , .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:hover , .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:visited , .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:active { border:0!important; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:active , .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4 .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u064d9b0cd99a0be385c0d79514d5bbc4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Atomic Bomb Debate Essay (1990). Whatever It Takes The Realities of Managerial Decision Making (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Bibliography: Reference McCall, M. W. , Kaplan, R. E. (1990). Whatever It Takes The Realities of Managerial Decision Making (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. .

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Personal Response to Wilfred Owen Essay Example

Personal Response to Wilfred Owen Essay An Idea of the scenery and surroundings Is extra given by Dim, through the misty panes and think green light this Is a use of visual Imagery to aid the reader in an understanding better of what is happening. The 3rd stanza begins to explain about this mans nightmares. He keeps on seeing a certain man, dying within the gas. The man is haunting him in his nightmares. In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. These two nines are on their own in the poem structure. This is because they symbolize thought, the poets personal feelings, it is unique to the poet in the way of how he reacts and how the experience affected him. This experience leaves the soldier to feel guilty because the man in his nightmares is there, plunging at him of help of some kind but he Is unable to do anything. The 4th stanza speaks out to the people whom may think that war Is glorious, those who believe In heroism and also speaks to the reader Like a friend. In directing to that particular audience he also presents further thoughts of is own. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Response to Wilfred Owen specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Response to Wilfred Owen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Response to Wilfred Owen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He is asking those who think war is glorious if they would still feel the same way if they had seen a man dying inevitably in a gas cloud. And if they were unable to do anything to help. The poet is asking that they do not carry on this belief, of war as a heroic thing, to children of younger generations. Do not make them feel too, that war is great and wonderful in any way. There is contrast here also with the imagery of the man dying in gas and yet others who feel this aspect is glorious. The imagery in Dulcet is stronger than that of Anthem, honorable to die for your country. The old lie: Dulcet et decorum est. Pro patria moor. . Both poems seem to give ideas of war In no way being honorable to fight for your country but rather sinful and many comparisons are made within the poems that would make the reader think of war being something similar to a hell or the likes. In both poems Onomatopoeia and alliteration are made of good use, Owen uses a lot of metaphors and similes to help explain comparisons, he seemed to make a lot of comparisons, a good technique to nave ten reader twinkling AT events Ana occurrences Tanat are unappealing In ten poems. The mood in the poems is very similar, it is basically a depressive, torturous mood, an impression of gloominess is left on the reader as it contradicts usual beliefs about war this shows the poem to be quite rebellious but in its own right. There is no real difference between the poem from the perspective of mood, Anthem tries to explain cruelty in death on the battle ground although this bitter mood calming toward the end and Dulcet that it is not honorable to die for your country, but with the strong use of contrast and imagery this is more so bitter and cruel throughout. The structure of Anthem for Doomed Youth follows a two line rhyming pattern and seems to follow a slow pace which helps in approaching its solemn mood. This also gives a sense of movement that can be followed in the mind of the reader. Dulcet Et Decorum Est is written in a moderate pace, it seems to unfold almost similar to a story as it takes you bit by bit through occurring events. There are lines that seem to end abruptly, stopping Just like that which gives a sense of urgency and following on in the second stanza this technique is used to show a sense of panic. Dulcet seems very thoughtful and the way it unfolds like a story is undoubtedly deliberate to in some way assist the solemn mood of the poem and final message that it is not beautiful to die for your country. The underlying differences between these two poems is Dulcet is much more descriptive, real and violent. There is a strong sense of anger and bitterness throughout Dulcet. One of Wilfred Owens poem is named Anthem for Doomed Youth. An anthem is a religious or patriotic song, something usually sung by a choir. This immediately suggests that the poem is serious, patriotic. The doomed youth mentioned in the title refers to the young generation of men and soldiers whom have signed up to war only to be giving their lives away. The poem focuses on the aspect of Youth dying so in vain. The poem puts forth a question of how the soldiers who are dying will be mourned? For their deaths on the battle field there is no proper funeral service of sorts. No bells to ring them off into heaven. What passing bells for these who die as cattle? There are a number of comments within the poem that would seem to relate o a mourning ritual or funeral ceremony of sorts being the harsh anger of guns and aggressive violence on the battle field. Owen makes good use of Onomatopoeia. Only the cluttering rifles rapid rattle It explains that as they die and pass from the earth all that there is to mourn them and say farewell is the continuing battle between men and use of weaponry. Only the monstrous anger of the guns. References from the poem, things like the guns, are replacing parts of an ordinary funeral service. The guns for example, replacing the bells that would sound at a normal funeral service, he prayers that would ordinarily be heard are replaced by rifles and the choir by wailing shells. The poem is quite bitter and sad through the first part, the sadness can be seen here and bugles calling for them from sad shires this is the last sad sound heard. It refers to the soldiers and the countries that each of them come from, to their regiment. As the poem continues it gives a lasting impression that war is, in fact, not heroic nor brave but rather a cruelty and of a sadistic nature. I think that What candles may be held to speed them all? Is asking in a way, Who or what will give prayer to their spirits after they have died so that they may find rest within nave?. I en poem overall makes war out to De a SSL Ana a Turned Tort all Tanat nave to endure it, it gives an impression of there being no heroes in war and no victory neither and focuses mainly on how they will find peace in their death on the battle ground. The Anthem however is more related to the aftermath of war, more abstract to a point of trailing on thoughts rather than reality, using evocative language. There is a to of poetical devices used to enhance these poems. Repetition, Gas, gas! similes, half-rhymes, fumbling and stumbling. assonance and alliteration. The way in which the language, imagery and contrasting is brought together with more simple phrases and language. The effect of using colloquialisms. quick boys! an ecstasy of fumbling A contrast between the reality of war and peoples real experiences In these two poems, Wilfred Owen describes his dislike for war because of the horrible things he had seen, the friends that he had lost, and the suffering he had went through. These are two of Wilfred Owens most famous poems because he talks about the tragedy that brings in war and he describes it, making these poems anti- war. The war that Wilfred Owen was in, affected his poetry because he met Swanson who helped and edited his poems and also the war was a big thing because his poems would be nothing without the war and the imagery he puts into the poems. The imagery he puts into the poems because he experienced it first hand, it draws the readers in, to show the gruesomeness of war. The poems that Wilfred Owen wrote were affect by war and his friend Swanson.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

And Now Miguel Essays - House Of Braganza, ...And Now Miguel

And Now Miguel Essays - House Of Braganza, ...And Now Miguel And Now Miguel People around the world have had responsibility throughout theirs lives. With being responsible anyone can achieve anything that they want. America is a great country with people that taken responsibility in their whole lives. Thats why America is so strong and containing with great people who built America from pieces to pieces. Mostly for the families that living, farmers for example; it was hard to take care of livestocks because it was expensive. If animals are lost the farmers will lose part of the family stock. It was a family business job, so everyone in the family helped with the work; men, women, boys, and girls. However, not everybody had the responsibility to take care of the family business. If one failed to perform a duty, the family business might fall apart. and now Miguel by Joseph Krumgold shows that through taking responsibility with ones actions and behaviors, a person can mature enough to be able to follow their heart. The main character Miguel wants to follow in the shadow of his father. He wants to do everything like his father does. He wants to be a part of the family business; he wants to help out with raising the sheep. He feels like he could be a part of something and he wants to get credit for what he does. But for me, I have the wish to be part of everything that happens, even it is not happening to me (Krumgold, 16). Miguel wants to be a part of the team and experience the happiness or sadness based on the investment that others in his family share. He doesnt care if the family finds a pot of gold and they want to share. Miguel doesnt want the gold; all he wanted was to be there when the pot of gold is found; to be a part of the experience. Miguel wants to prove that he can be a part of the family, to his father and mother. He tries so hard to fit in with his family but hes rejected by his family. But still I am glad that Im growing up to be a shepherd, if only it doesnt take too long (Krumgold, 21). Miguel would do anything to prove to his father that he can be just like him. Instead of being a policeman or an airplane pilot, Miguel wants to be a shepard its in his blood. His grandparents were shepards and his parents are too. He thinks what his father would want him to be. Meaning that the expectations are on high steaks about Miguel being a shepard, that is how Miguels father grew up; by taken responsibility on part of the family business. Miguel does get the chance to prove to his father that he can be responsible and be part of the family. He knows that he would do anything for his fathers eyes to see him as a grown up. He would use any chance that he gets to prove that he can do anything. Miguel go up to the mountains one day to find the lost sheep, while he is there he think about how he can prove to his father that he did it. He wants to show his father that he got the sheep. Actually he was glad that the sheep went away, because of the sheep he gets the opportunity to prove to his father (Krumgold, 92). Miguel goes up to the mountains to find the sheep, and he finds them. He thinks that by getting the sheep, it will prove to his father that he can be responsible. Miguel wants to go up to the mountains again because only the men go up to the mountains. Miguel wants to be a man. He proves to his father that hes responsible, because Miguel goes up to the mountains without knowing what dangers lies before him. Still Miguel goes up and tries to bring the lost sheeps. Although, his father denies that Miguel is still too young. So Miguel reaches the last person who might help him go up to the mountain. San Ysidro or Saint Ysidro, he is what the people in the Miguels village worth

Monday, February 24, 2020

APN credentialing boards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

APN credentialing boards - Research Paper Example A common and significant group of nurses are the Advanced Nursing Practitioners. The Advanced Nursing Practice activities however, cannot be without scrutiny. Practices headed and managed by APNs have become wide spread. This has seen the emergence of credentialing boards like; American Nursing credentialing centre, National Certification Corporation and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. These credentialing institutions perform the duty of giving license, validating clinical experience, giving education preparations and certify nursing practices. APN credentialing boards 1.0. Introduction Over the years they have been emergence on numerous nursing practices. Advanced nursing practice has evolved from being an informal hidden specialty and has become a formal practice with wide spread recognition. It is due to this recognition that it has drawn interests in governments to come up with standards and modes of operations for APNs. Credentialing boards have also been formed. Cr edentialing boards are given the duty to determine whether certain activities are within the scope of operations of APNs. These boards set the ground work for the operation rules, regulations and ethics in the APN practice. According to Fulton & Lyon (2009) the decision making boards also help the APNs to make right decisions in the line of duty. Additionally, the institutions also take the views of advanced nursing practice before coming up with decisions. They consult all groups of nurses under the advanced nursing practice. This essay shall focus on the different credentialing boards and their impacts on the APNs. 2.0. Body The ANP is a broad group which has the capacity of carrying out different and complex duties in a health institution (Carr, Layzel & Christensen, 2010). These duties include administration of health care organizations, implementing and developing health care policies, managing of individuals and groups of patients and the direct care of individual patients. 2. 1. American Association of Critical Care Nurses The American Association of Critical Care Nurses, as one of the credentialing boards is responsible for offering the APNs with an opportunity to take part in programs that boost their careers (McLeod & McGloin, 2010).The nurses are also presented with an opportunity to interact with other nurses; thus, enhance their career through interactions. Through this body, nurses have also gained an opportunity to access various certifications that place them in a better opportunity to get jobs. Through these programs, they are also able to acquire information on how to handle tasking situations that they may encounter in their career, therefore, have a successful career life. Of essence, this board enhances the nursing skills in a tremendous manner. 2.2. American Midwifery Certification Board The American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) is yet another credentialing board of the ANPs. This body has been credited for its contribution in keep ing the nurses updated with the major role they are faced with in provision of services to the public. The body also provides the nurses with certification programs, for instance, AMCB certification tests, as well as approval by the nursing council (Ament, 2007). 2.3. American Nurses Credentialing Center The American Nurses Credentialing Center is one of the most prominent credentialing boards in the world (Masters, 2009). This association is charged with the responsibility

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Mortgage Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mortgage Crisis - Essay Example Subprime borrowers, with low rates of 7% to 8%, will see rates reset at numbers like 11%. Prime borrowers are seeing rates jump to 20% and more causing them to come near to defaulting on their loans. This increase in rates will create a domino effect altering most of the financial markets. The mortgage crisis is simply one side of the coin. With the failing economy mortgage lenders and banks are finding it hard to find the cash to support the foreclosures. With the low house demand and the growing defaults companies like American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. and Delta Financial Corp., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Bigger banks are suffering losses as they write down their losses with even a company like Merrill Lynch posting its largest loss in 94-years. With the drop in employment rates and the economy in one of its worst positions for more than a decade a recession seems to be on the way. How bad the crisis will be and how it will alter the consumers lifestyle is what has to be determined as the mortgage crisis takes the country by storm. Being a mortgage collector I have the opportunity to review some of the ARM's, interest only and flexible payment/negative amortization loans. I have found that they are all positioned as tools to help the borrower afford the house for a moment.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Gwendolyn Brooks and Edwin Arlington Robinson Essay Example for Free

Gwendolyn Brooks and Edwin Arlington Robinson Essay Gwendolyn Brooks and Edwin Arlington Robinson are two out of many fine poets that have written inspiration poetry that has had an impact on our country. Gwendolyn Brooks achieved success at an early age. Brooks is best known for her lyrical style of urban poetry, such as the poem â€Å"We Real Cool†. Brooks was the first African-American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize for her poetry with the poem, â€Å"Annie Allen†. Edwin Arlington Robinson was the first person ever to receive the Pulitzer Prize in 1922. Robinson’s poetry did not capture the attention of the public until he was almost 50 years old. President Theodore Roosevelt discovered some of his poetry. He was so impressed that he offers him a clerk position at the New York Customs House. â€Å"We Real Cool† by Gwendolyn Brooks and â€Å"Richard Cory† by Edwin Arlington Robinson demonstration how both authors compare/contrast in their poems as it relate to tragic ending in death, the usage of first person plural, and learning message to the reader. â€Å"We Real Cool† demonstrates how it relates to tragic ending in death, the usage of first person plural, and learning message to the reader. The poem relates to tragic ending in death. These teenagers explain how they engage in activities such as playing pool, drinking, and sinning. Though they believe they have everybody else fooled, they know themselves that the behavior will eventually lead to death. The poem is written in first person plural. It allows the pool players to speak for themselves and not allow the reader to draw their own assumptions. Also â€Å"We Real Cool† sends a learning message to the reader. The message that Brooks sends out is that what seems cool in someone else’s eye, isn’t cool in another, and it can lead to a destructive life. â€Å"Richard Cory† demonstrates how it related to tragic ending in death, the usage of first person plural, and learning message to the reader. The poems relate to tragic ending in death. Richard Cory is very successful in the view of the peers but in his own self judgment, he is inadequate to fulfill his purpose in life. So therefore, he commits suicide. Secondly, first person plural was not used in the poem. The town people are speaking about how they view Richard Cory. They do not know his personal struggles and only see the human side that he shows. They admire him and are quite envious of him. Thirdly, in the poem of â€Å"Richard Cory†, is sending a message that you cannot judge a book by its cover. Just because someone appears happy and wealthy does not mean that they are truly happy with their lifestyles. What one may perceive may be an allusion to the eye. Furthermore, a person must get to know a person to understand the views and thoughts. In conclusion, â€Å"We Real Cool† by Gwendolyn Brooks and â€Å"Richard Cory† by Edwin Arlington Robinson demonstration how both authors compare/contrast in their poems as it relate to tragic ending in death, the usage of first person plural, and learning message to the reader. We observed that â€Å"Richard Cory† is straight forward, direct and has plenty of descriptions unlike the poem â€Å"We Real Cool†, that requires the reader to use their imagination. However, both poems rhyme. Both poems talks about the importance’s of education of how the advantages of staying in school can get you far or how it can hinder your life. Even though both authors were born in different time era, they both share the same struggles and disadvantages.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Jamaican Patois and the Power of Language in Reggae Music Essay

Jamaican Patois and the Power of Language in Reggae Music Introduction Creole languages are found all over the world on every continent. When two or more languages come into contact to form a new language a Creole language is born. Some type of human "upheaval" that forces people to find a way to communicate, without using their own languages, stimulates the creation of a Creole language. In the case of Creole languages in the Caribbean, the "upheaval" is the past history of slavery. Most Creole languages are based on one language. In Jamaica the African slaves were thrown into a situation where the only common means of communication was English, or at least broken English, therefor Jamaican Creole has a majority of its roots in English (Sebba 1, 1996). Essential words which people could not find an English name for, such as people, things (like plants and animals) and activities (especially religious ones) were taken from a variety of West African languages. As a result of patois not being an official language, a name for the Jamaican dialect has not been settled to this day. Common names such as Jamaican, Jamaican Creole, Jamaican patwa or patois, Black English, broken English and even baby talk or slang are all used to describe Creole languages. In L. Emilie Adams’ book, Understanding Jamaican Patois, she states that none of these labels are appropriate for the Jamaican dialect. Creole refers to a mixed African/European language as well as Europeans born in the West Indies; therefore it is inappropriate to refer to the language of Africans in Jamaica as Creole. Patois is a term used widely in Jamaica, but patois can refer to any language considered broken or degraded in the world. Pryce (1997) prefers to use the term ... ...Nicholas, Tracy. Rastafari. — A Way of Life. Chicago: Research Associates School Times Publication, 1996. Oumano, E. "Reggae Says No to ‘Politricks’." The Nation, 265 (August 1997): 32-34. Pryce, Jean T. "Similarities Between the Debates on Ebonics and Jamaican." Journal of Black Psychology, 23 (August 1997): 238-241. Pulis, J. W. "Up-Full Sounds: Language, Identity, and the World-View of Rastafari." Ethnic Groups, 10 (1993): 285-300. Seeba, Mark. "How do you spell Patwa?" Critical Quarterl,y 38 (1996): 50-63. Seeba, Mark. "London Jamaican: Language systems in interaction." Languag,e 72 (1996): 426-427. "Talk Jamaican." Website. On-line. Internet. Available WWW: Vasciannie, S. "The Official Language of Jamaica." Carribean Today, 10 (March 31, 1999).

Monday, January 13, 2020

Toll Roads

One day my mother an I were driving to one of my football games. When we were about to arrive there was a little toll booth that read, â€Å"Two Dollars†. We couldn’t find any money so we decided to run it. The fine was fifty dollars. I believe we should take out toll roads because they can cause a lot of conflict with people. One reason why we should take out toll roads is because they can cause traffic. People have jobs and may have to take toll roads to get to them.Say a man is looking for money in his wallet, it may take a while and hold up people behind him. Many people will be late for work and may lose their jobs. Another reason why is because thousands of people in California are unemployed. Usually toll roads are two dollars, but it can vary. People don’t have much money do be paying for toll roads especially if you have to use one daily. You can buy a card but that leads to my next reason.If someone is leaving their house in a hurry they can forget thei r wallet which would either contain money or their toll pass. When they reach the toll road they would probably have to run it. Then they get a fine. This can cause much conflict with people. Many people may say that people work hard on the roads and they get a satisfying drive. But if you don’t have money or forget your toll pass then you’ll be in trouble. I believe that we should take out toll roads.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Drug Addiction The United States War On Drugs - 930 Words

The decades-old United States war on drugs has not been successful and very cost ineffective (Madden, 2008). Today, drug addiction continues to be an important public health problem in our nation. The U.S. spends more than $700 billion dollars annually in costs related to substance abuse (National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 2015). Drug-related costs include abuse of tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, crime, lost work productivity, and health care (NIDA, 2015). And the costs corresponding to those whose lives are ruined or whose death is premature, are too immense to be measured. Collateral damage such as that of family members who have to endure witnessing these experiences is not just unfortunate; it is also priceless. Treatment programs for drug addiction are available, and psychosocial approaches have demonstrated to be better than no-treatment controls (Madden, 2008; Silverman, Roll, Higgins, 2008). Unfortunately, currently available treatment programs are not effective in al l individuals, and high relapse rates are typical (Silverman et al., 2008). Considering the immense impact drug addiction has on individuals as well as society, the development of a treatment program that produces long-term abstinence outcomes is of paramount importance. The work of behavior analysts has suggested that drug addiction is an operant behavior that is shaped and maintained by interactions with environmental contingencies (Bigelow Silverman, 1999). As such, alternative non-drugShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay On War On Drugs1515 Words   |  7 Pages War On All Drugs The War on Drugs has been a long and difficult road for humankind. So many drugs exist today, from street drugs to recreational use to prescription and over-the-counter medications. They all affect anyone who uses them. Some give you an inebriated high and if overused and can lead to death. Drugs that were originally intended to cure an illness or disease are being combined to form an illegal substance. When it comes to curing the illness that was made by the drug, rehabilitationRead MoreDrug Addiction : History, Laws, And Treatment Essay1570 Words   |  7 Pages Drug Addiction, History, Laws, and Treatment Drug Addiction itself affects almost  ­Ã¢â‚¬ Twenty-three million Americans are currently addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs. Only one in 10 percent of them (2.6 million) receives the treatment they need. The result: a treatment gap of more than 20 million Americans†(Writer, B. J. 2010). Drug Addiction is it truly a disease or a choice? Many state authority figures say it s a choice not a disease much of science says it s a choice disease, both inRead MoreThe War on Drugs1350 Words   |  6 Pages For several years the United States of America has been struggling with the problem of drug addiction of its citizens. This has led the federal government to take measures to restrain the problem of addiction in the United States. However, after observing these measures, such as the ‘War on Drugs’ and its consequences, scholars now question the effectiveness of the drug policy implemented. Some scholars even argue that the War on Drugs has been more harmful to American citizens than helpful. AlsoRead MoreDrug Addiction Is A Problem For Many Countries861 Words   |  4 Pages Drug addiction have been a problem for many countries. People lose their family, going into prison and even losing their life because of drug addiction. Countries like the United States have been working very hard on trying to prevent drug from importing to their countries illegally and they also open programs that prevent and treat people from using illegal drugs. 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This mistake is continually made every single day and Americans are being punished in extreme ways f or a non violent crime. The United States needs to decimalize all drugs because the drug war is costly, causes high incarceration rates, and isn’t effective as European drug solutions. In the 20th century, the United States would begin a disastrous campaign called the War on Drugs, thisRead MoreThe Drug War On Drugs1378 Words   |  6 Pagesnon-violent drug charges. These people’s lives are now forever changed because of a mistake they made. This mistake is continually made every single day and Americans are being punished in extreme ways for a non violent crime. The United States needs to decimalize all drugs because the drug war is costly, causes high incarceration rates, and isn’t effective as European drug solutions. In the 20th century, the United States government led a major renewed surge in drug prohibition called the War on DrugsRead MoreThe Flawed Drug Policy of America1691 Words   |  7 PagesFlawed Drug Policy Introduction: As a major policy issue in the United States, the War on Drugs has been one of the most monumental failures on modern record. At a cost of billions of taxpayer dollars, thousands of lives lost and many thousands of others ruined by untreated addiction or incarceration, Americas policy orientation concerning drug laws is due for reconsideration. Indeed, the very philosophical orientation of the War on Drugs and of the current drug policy in the United States has beenRead MoreThe Drug War Of The United States1626 Words   |  7 PagesThe drug war in the U.S. has been waged on civil fronts for over four decades and has not only proven to be not only futile but at times even more damaging to society than the drugs themselves. The once virtuous intent of this ‘war’ has been corrupted by police unions and dirty politicians who have turned it into a carefully crafted system of capitalistic enterprise, designed push their political agenda by perpetuating the myth that drugs ar e the primary threat to our nation. Zero tolerance lawsRead MoreThe Journey Of Fighting The Addiction For Addicts869 Words   |  4 Pagesjourney of fighting the addiction for addicts is not only against the chemical drugs or the addiction behaviors, but also against the judgment from the people and the community against the addicts. As MateÃŒ  (2010) states â€Å"were to judge according to ethics and human feeling, we would find the ware abhorrent† (p. 287). The people who are making this war do not see that this war is against the addicts not against the addiction. If they will not change their strategies on this war, they are going to lose